PACGDC Funds Apartment Complex Grants & Additional Demolition Grants
All of the communities in Palo Alto County established Housing Initiative and Demolition Grant Programs in 2014. Recently, some communities have established Apartment Complex Grant Programs as well. The Palo Alto County Gaming Development Corporation is excited to announce grant funding to cities in Palo Alto County for the construction of new apartment complexes (up to $15,000/apartment) or conversion of existing structures into apartments (up to $7,500/apartment) in Palo Alto County.
Because City Clerks within Palo Alto County continue to report numerous applications for grant funding to demolish decaying housing, PACGDC recently voted to fund an additional 20 demolition grant applications of up to $5,000 per application.
To lessen the burden of government, these grant programs are currently funded by the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation. Anyone interested in demolishing a deteriorated house, constructing a new home or apartment complex, or converting an existing structure into apartments, should contact their city clerk for additional details on these grant programs.